Towards Nature
Towards Nature
A four-week program featuring relaxing, restorative group calls and nourishing nature-based activities
Turning Towards Nature will help you cultivate a deeper connection with nature that will allow you to:
- Calm your mind and open your heart.
- Access healing and guidance from nature.
- Feel less alone and more supported.
- Experience greater ease, balance, and joy.
You will receive a wealth of practices you can use to connect with the Earth in daily life and to receive more profound benefits from time in nature—tools you can use on your own or share with clients, friends, or family.
This program is for you if . . .
- You are called to deepen your connection with nature, and could use inspiration and support to do that.
- You want to connect with nature more, but feel challenged by time constraints, living in a city, or the pandemic.
- You are facing big challenges or giving a lot to others, and could use some nature-based nourishing and simple ways to replenish yourself.
- You want to integrate nature-based practices into work with clients, indoors or out.
- You would enjoy learning and sharing as part of an open-hearted and Earth-honoring community.
What participants say. . .
“This program was truly amazing! I was surprised by how much it deepened both my connection with nature and my connection with myself. Everything we did helped me feel more rooted and experience more belonging and unity.“
~ Yelena, nature lover
“I have experienced more peace and reduced stress since taking this class, and I feel more connected to the natural world than ever before. I would recommend [it] to anyone looking to build a relationship with nature and share that experience with others.”
~ Shawna, Mental Health Clinician
Turning Towards Nature includes:
- Four 90-minute live group Zoom calls that provide a safe space for nourishing connections with yourself and others. Each includes experiential activities, guided meditations, poetry, and sharing in partners and with the group. (Participate live or listen to a recording anytime.)
- Easy and enjoyable nature-based activities, with options for both cities and wild places plus journaling and reflection suggestions. (You get to choose your adventure and how much time, from a few minutes to a few hours per week.)
- A private Facebook group for sharing with fellow nature lovers between calls and after the series, plus a buddy for the program (if you want one.)
Next series of Turning Towards Nature starts on Thursday, July 25th.
To join the interest list and have a chance to vote on the call time for the next series, contact Kai Siedenburg.
Guided by deep nature connection guide, Ecotherapist, and author Kai Siedenburg.
Co-sponsored by The Earthbody Institute and Our Nature Connection.
Limited to 8 people to help ensure a quality experience.
Low-income/BIPOC scholarships available.
Learn more or register through Our Nature Connection.
Questions? Contact Kai Siedenburg
Just $95 if you register and pay two weeks in advance, $115 if paid later.
Instructor and Guide

Kai loves to empower people to find simple ways to connect with the Earth in daily life, to cultivate deeper bonds with wild places, and to access nature-based healing. Her first book, Poems of Earth and Spirit: 70 Poems and 40 Practices to Deepen Your Connection with Nature, celebrates our innate kinship with all life and helps us strengthen that kinship wherever we are.
As the founder of Our Nature Connection, Kai offers group programs, individual sessions, and consulting services based on a unique approach she calls NatureWise. Her approach is rooted in deep listening to nature, infused with love for people and the Earth, and shaped by what activist Carolyn Casey calls “a willingness to collaborate with everything.”
Kai’s work is also is informed by 30-plus years of professional experience developing innovative educational programs and by extensive training and practice in mindfulness, holistic healing, and creative expression. Prior to founding Our Nature Connection, she spent 25 years leading non-profit campaigns and programs to advance sustainable and socially just food systems.
Kai is profoundly nourished by her deep love of the lands and waters of the Santa Cruz area, where she has lived for more than 30 years.