Welcome to the International List of The Earthbody Institute Graduates!

Each graduate has a variety of professional skills, licenses, and/or trainings in addition to The Earthbody Institute training. We encourage you to contact them to work with them or to network.


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Title and License
Ariana Candell, LMFT, R-DMT, Ecotherapist
Ariana Candell, LMFT, R-DMT, Ecotherapist, is a licensed psychotherapist with 20-plus years experience and a pioneer in the emerging field of Somatic Ecotherapy. For the last decade, she has been an active leader in transforming the field of psychotherapy to include connecting to the natural world as an essential part of healing.

Ariana is founder of The Earthbody Institute, a professional, educational, and transformational forum dedicated to the cultivation of dynamic mutual relationships with the natural world. She is creator of the groundbreaking Professional Ecotherapy Training and Certification Program, now entering its fourth year. She facilitates workshops locally and internationally, including Online Ecotherapy Certificate Programs, Ecotherapy Immersion Programs and consultation groups. She also teaches Ecotherapy seminars as an adjunct professor at John F. Kennedy University.

Ariana believes that developing a consistent nature connection practice with elements of somatic awareness and openness to the sacred can foster a more holistic and balanced way of life. She is devoted to her own daily spiritual practice in nature, and encourages her private clients and students to develop their own practice. In all of her programs, she facilitates creation of a strong Earth-honored community, fulfilling an ancient human need of experiencing a profound connection to the sacredness of all beings.

Ariana is thrilled to be practicing Ecotherapy outdoors in the East Bay hills with more than half of her individual clients, and also brings the power of nature indoors to her private practice in Berkeley. Her main therapeutic influences include Hakomi Mindfulness-Centered Somatic Psychotherapy, Somatic Ecotherapy, Dance Movement Therapy and Earth-based trainings from The School of Lost Borders.
Services Summary

Individual Psychotherapy
Hakomi Mindfulness-Centered Somatic Psychotherapy
Somatic Ecotherapy
Dance Movement Therapy

Contact Info
arianca@sbcglobal.net, 510 255-1141

Title and License
Licensed Professional Counselor
Ashley Blackwell, LPC is a licensed professional counselor in the state of Texas near the Austin area with over 10 years of experience. She received her level one certificate in internal family systems therapy in 2020 and completed her level one Ecotherapy certificate in 2024 as a result of several transformative experiences with the natural world.

Ashley combines Ecotherapy and parts work to support individual adults in healing from complex, relational trauma. Ashley has a specific specialization in working with adult children of alcoholics and considers it one of her greatest honors to support individuals with this type of attachment trauma in healing through developing a healthy attachment with the natural world.
Services Summary

Individual Psychotherapy with Internal Family Systems
Grief Rituals

Contact Info

Title and License
Nature Connection Guide, Ecotherapist
Kai Siedenburg is a nature connection guide, Ecotherapist, and poet who is a pioneer in integrating nature awareness and mindfulness as a path to mind-body wellness. She is passionate about helping people connect with nature as a path to greater peace, joy, and healing in their lives and in the world.
Kai loves to empower people to find simple ways to connect with the Earth in daily life, to cultivate deeper bonds with wild places, and to access nature-based healing. Her first book, Poems of Earth and Spirit: 70 Poems and 40 Practices to Deepen Your Connection with Nature, celebrates our innate kinship with all life and helps us strengthen that kinship wherever we are.

As the founder of Our Nature Connection, Kai offers group programs, individual sessions, and consulting services based on a unique approach she calls NatureWise. Her approach is rooted in deep listening to nature, infused with love for people and the Earth, and shaped by what activist Carolyn Casey calls “a willingness to collaborate with everything.”

Kai’s work is also is informed by 30-plus years of professional experience developing innovative educational programs and by extensive training and practice in mindfulness, holistic healing, and creative expression. Prior to founding Our Nature Connection, she spent 25 years leading non-profit campaigns and programs to advance sustainable and socially just food systems.

Kai is profoundly nourished by her deep love of the lands and waters of the Santa Cruz area, where she has lived for more than 30 years.
Services Summary

Group programs in nature connection, Ecotherapy, nature-based mindfulness, and nature-based healing (in person or online)
Individual sessions (in person or by phone/Skype)
Consulting services to help you:
create more dynamic and effective programs
expand your nature connection toolkit
develop nature-based programs or sessions
tap into the healing and calming power of nature for yourself or your clients
Training design and facilitation
Writing and editing

Contact Info

Title and License
Inner & Outer Wilderness Guide, Ecotherapist, M.A.
Ryan Van Lenning, M.A., is an inner and outer wilderness guide and Founder of Wild Nature Heart. Certified as an Ecotherapist through The Earthbody Institute, he is passionate about facilitating re-connections with wild nature and our most authentic selves to assist in the work of repairing broken belonging.

Ryan is also an earth poet, author of Re-Membering: Poems of Earth & Soul, and High-Cooing Through the Seasons: Haiku From the Forest. He has published work in Earth Island Journal, Deep Time: The Journal of the Work That Reconnects, Terrain Magazine, Elephant Journal, various poetry journals, and in A Walk with Nature: Poetic Encounters that Nourish the Soul.

"I know what it is like to abandon oneself. And I also know what it looks like to listen to your authentic inner voice and deepest longings to create the life you desire. If you are wanting to feel a sense of deeper belonging to yourself, your calling, and to wild nature, let's talk. When I listen, I listen with all my ears—opening my pores up to absorb the information I am receiving, not just from words, but the body, symbols, and energies. My intention is to listen deeply with my mind, heart, soul, & body to honor the psyche's journey towards wholeness. Contact me for a FREE 30 minute discovery call to see if it is a good fit."
Services Summary

1-on-1 Earth-Rooted Mentoring/Coaching
Wilderness Ceremonies/Rites-of-Passage
Deep Belonging Course
Ecogrief Healing Circles
Custom Wilderness Backpacking Journeys (1-4 days, groups of 1-5)
Weekend Immersions
Community Nature Meetups
Small group facilitation (Council Circle, Writing Wild Workshops, Deep Belonging Workshops)

Contact Info
510-219-3349, ryan@wildnatureheart.com
Other State
Title and License
Psy.D., RYT 200, C-IAYT
Services Summary

Ciao Ciao! I am a licensed clinical psychologist, trauma-informed brainspotter, ecotherapist, yoga therapist, yoga teacher specializing in Therapeutic Yoga, and concerned Earth citizen. I work with clients and students of all ages who would like to prevent physical, emotional, and spiritual symptomatology, as well as those that are currently suffering from: physical injuries and ailments; anxiety; depression; grief; women’s issues; relationship issues; eco-grief and climate change anxiety. We are in a time of great upheaval and incredible opportunity. I look to the creation that is around us: the trees, the sea, the earth, the air, the rocks, to provide solace for myself and maintain stability and connection in an overwhelming and fast-paced world. I wish to assist my clients and my students to re-connect (in office, via telehealth, or outside) with the ancient connection of people to Earth. Joanna Macy suggests we are in the time of The Great Unraveling and The Great Turning. I look to the beauty around us and within us to guide my ecotherapy clients into discovering how they will manage the Unraveling and contribute fully to the Great Turning.

I am licensed in Hawaii and Arkansas and can serve people from both states.

Contact Info
Other State
96734, 72701