Enroll in April 2025 Classes | See links below
We are introducing a three tiered price model for our training, to honor a wide range of financial circumstances and the historical disparities that continue to exist in our lives and culture. We intend for this to interrupt ongoing systems of inequity and the resulting lack of access to educational programs through providing access at three entry points.
Choosing a place on the price scale is up to your personal discernment. Use the criteria below as a guide. For those who have been more advantaged and have greater access to financial means, contributing at the high end of the scale is one meaningful way to support repair and redistribution, along with the healing and thriving of us all. We appreciate you contributing as fully as you are able so that we can continue to help build an earth-honoring, life-sustaining world where we all belong and flourish.*
Consider contributing MORE on the scale if you:
- have investments, retirement accounts, savings or inherited money
- have a relatively high degree of earning power due to level of education (or gender and racial privilege, class background, etc.)
- own the home you live in or rent a higher end property
- have the ability to comfortably meet all of your basic needs
- travel recreationally
- have access to family money and resources in times of need
- work part-time by choice
- belong to a sponsoring organization or are employed full-time
Consider contributing LESS on the scale if you:
- have difficulty covering basic expenses
- have significant medical and health expenses not covered by insurance
- have unstable housing and/or limited access to reliable transportation
- have no family or community safety net and support
- are an elder with limited financial support
- are supporting children or other dependents with limited income
- have not taken a vacation or time off due to the financial burden
- looking for liberation from historical and forced oppression
- If you identify with the BIPOC or LGBTQ+ community, we welcome you to the equity price
*some phrases are borrowed or inspired from Thrive and Weaving Earth.